Artificial intelligence in health insurance

Artificial intelligence in health insurance

Artificial Intelligence in Health Insurance: An Amazing Case of Vital Health
Artificial intelligence in health insurance 

Artificial Intelligence in Health Insurance: An Amazing Case of Vital Health

Some of the amazing ways that artificial intelligence is now changing the way health insurance works if you think about health insurance mainly at the present time based on some very basic criteria sometimes, where they do a simple health examination on you but they have little indication of what pattern Your actual life, which is clearly one of the biggest factors for whether you will get sick or not, there is one company called Vital Health and what they do not do is they give you an Apple Watch The Apple Watch is great because it realizes that it is in fact because it uses your biometric fingerprint to detect that you are wearing this O'clock, then you can link this a Health is calculated and LT can then keep track of your activity levels even in previous companies struggled with this because you may give you Fitbit and people put Fitbit on their dog and the dog runs throughout the day

 So I was really active obviously you can't do this anymore, and this now gives them a very accurate reading of your activity levels and the other thing they wanted to do is they want to understand are you eating a healthy food so how can we do that until they have partnered with a retailer via the internet here in the UK is called Accardo, and they created a healthy menu, so if you now prove that you buy healthy food regularly and that your activity levels are really high, this reduces your premium, and this is something I see more and more with a lot of institutions that You are now trying to find statement groups T much richer to help provide better services and more targeted and more personalized to its customers through all of this, I think like me that you have some privacy concerns that you think about where all this is happening because at the moment you get a reduction in your premium if you prove that you are in good health

The challenge is if everyone does this then you have to get penalties not to do it and they are also a lot of moral questions about where this might happen, but this is what I do with my clients, I help companies understand how they can use technology to provide services Better for better products and make their products better processes

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