Artificial intelligence is changing health care

Artificial intelligence is changing health care

How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Healthcare And The Role Of Doctors
Artificial intelligence is changing health care 

How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Healthcare And The Role Of Doctors

How AI changes the role of doctors I help organizations understand the effects of artificial intelligence and things like machine learning on industry on their business and I think one area has come to shift and is a clear priority for many companies as is the case in Amnesty International's UK strategy focuses on healthcare So that physicians and healthcare are a major priority where artificial intelligence can actually help us improve servers and save money and if you think about this how does full education of physicians happen at the moment we send someone to medical school for seven years Then we hope that they remember a small part of what they learned if they keep 20% 30%, it's a reward after which they start training after seven years, then they get some experience and we hope that they will recognize them many common problems that people face if you go to your doctor

 Usually, something is set like a 10-minute time slot and wh usually it usually happens that you are sitting the doctor looking at the screen while explaining what your problem is and why you do that and the doctor will read the notes that try to know the reason the last time you hear your topics and then if you think about this For this doctor, your diagnosis within these ten minutes is really unrealistic unless you have something like a cold or something really common, usually it ends up with some kind of prescription and then you go away and do just a little trial and error, and if that doesn't work, then do Going back then you can do more tests, I guess a Artificial intelligence can help with all of this because if you think about this you can train a computer with all the medical knowledge in the world so you don't have to rely on it only after losing 70 what they have learned that it will keep 100% the other challenge is that there is a lot of new research that is going on Develop them every day even if you specialize in one area that you cannot contact with your specialized area not to mention all the new medical knowledge that is developed again

Accompany a computer that can feed this computer or its medical knowledge in the world, so suddenly you have a computer that knows everything about medicine and the date you think about how you can talk to compete with this other thing happens is that IBM, for example, runs on a system that depends on the knowledge computing platform Of Watson that has all this medical knowledge in it and also has a computing interface or a natural language interface so you can talk to it and you can describe your symptoms and if you want to speak to the system for three days, you can do it and you will never forget all your medical history and you can Even that gives a genetic fingerprint and can You can give her all the history of your family and suddenly you have a computer there knows everything about medicine knows everything about you anything I trust most to make an accurate diagnosis for my doctor in looking only at my notes for five minutes and then talk to me or a system that knows everything about me and has all the knowledge Medical I think this ability of computers now to diagnose diseases will turn medicine into a good example is the correct radiation so someone looks at an x-ray examination
Oncologist looking at the examination to determine the tumors, this is actually a very difficult job for humans because we as a human sometimes get tired, we had an argument only with our partner we do not feel comfortable as we look through the skin one after the other to determine the patterns that appear to be Tumor, then if we know that humans are very good he says that this may be a tumor or does not enter now AI and machine learning we now have a computer vision secondly, the ability of machines to interpret our scans so that we can train them on millions of millions of examinations that determine cancer and cells Is cancerous, so it has become e Its computers are very good indeed, and there was already competition where computers outperformed human radiologists and this is what computers do. They are fantastically good at pattern recognition, so why would you want a person to look at the examination, in fact, there is a reason and that is the reason In that I think we will all praise the role of doctors and paramedics in this field because computers are good, they will never miss anything that may seem dangerous to your scanning, but when a doctor can do that, he can distinguish between something that seems abnormal and something that may be cancerous So what happens now is that you char Its no longer a radiologist to be seen by scanning one by one there to identify patterns

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