The biggest AI trends for 2020

The biggest AI trends for 2020

5 biggest AI trends for 2020
The biggest AI trends for 2020 

5 biggest AI trends for 2020

Expectations for artificial intelligence and machine learning in 2020, what I say is that we will have more international competition, what I see is that competition especially between the United States and China is on the rise as some trade suddenly sees barriers to becoming really tense, we work On developing national strategies and becoming very competitive at the moment, another major trend that I see for 2020is that we will address some shortcomings about the biases of artificial intelligence and try to make an eye especially when it comes to machine learning and deep learning where we do not really understand how machines make the decision, We will work to make some of these processes more transparent and we will address some of the biased decision-making processes sometimes comes from using defective and biased data and the other thing that I see is that I will see a much deeper integration of artificial intelligence in all parts of the business or from

The business jobs you love for e-finance, human resources, marketing sales and also in the actual processes around improving production efficiency and actually providing better customer services, all this will use AI in 2020 The other big trend that I am saying is that AI will create more jobs in 2020, We don't know how this will work in the long run, but what we see in the short term will definitely create more technology jobs that you will create around data signs and machine learning jobs, and we will also create more jobs around robots Something so all of this actually generates more job opportunities whoever destroys there was a recent study that looked for is destroying about 1.8 million jobs and creating 2.2 million new job opportunities so we hope this is a positive step and finally what I'm saying I will make chat boards and artificial intelligence systems more Much benefit in 2020,

This is a huge trend as we use tools like Amazon Alexa and Google home but I also don't see that there aren't a lot of organizations that don't implement chat boards, I recently did some work with Unilever as they use this feature now to use a chat board with their internal employees to help them to Mobility throughout the company so that these five directions of international competition over AI are more transparent AI and less bias AI on automation, which drives companies to more jobs and better AI assistance

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