What Is A Neural Network?

 What Is A Neural Network?

 What Is A Neural Network?

How Neural Networks Work

Neural network applications Networks are the foundation for deep learning Subfield of learning machine where The algorithms are inspired by the structure From the human brain, neural networks take In the data train themselves to recognize the patterns in this data are then Expected outputs for a new set of Similar data Let's understand how this is Let's do building a neural network That differentiates a square Circle and triangle of neural 

networks are It consists of layers of these neurons Neurons are the primary treatment units of The network first we have the input The layer that receives the input The output layer predicts our final production In between there are subtle layers which Most accounts perform 1 o'clock Required by our network Here is a picture From a circle this image consists of 28 By 28 pixels which makes up for 784 Pixels Each pixel is fed as input to All neurons from the first layer are neurons From single layer the neurons are connected from The next layer is through both channels These channels are set numerical A value known as the input weight Factorial of the corresponding weights The sum is sent as input to Neurons in each of the subtle layer These neurons are linked to The numerical value is called the bias which is This value is then added to the amount input Then it is passed through a threshold A function called the activation function Result of the activation function It determines whether a particular neuron will Neurons get activated or not activated It transmits data to the nerve cells The next layer on the channels is in this In a way the data is spread through The network 

is called this forward Publish to the output layer Neurons with the highest fire value and The result determines the values Possible basis For example here near unconnected With a square it has the highest probability Hence this is the result that he predicted Neural network of course just by look in that We know our neural network made The wrong prediction but how This network character has Note that our network has not yet arrived Training during this training process The output is fueled as expected The output is compared against the actual Output to perceive the error in Prediction of error Indicates how wrong we are at sign Higher or lower than expected arrows Here you give an indication of direction The scale of the change is to reduce 3 o'clock Error This information is then Transfer back through our network This is known as backpropagation now Based on this information weights 

This cycle is adjusted from charging Posting and backpropagation is Repetitive execution with multiple The inputs to this process continue until we have The grid can correctly predict shapes In most cases, this brings us The training process comes to an end You may wonder how long this training is The process honestly takes neural networks It may take hours or even months for training But time is a reasonable trade-off when Comparing its scope Features These are neural networks in play first Break up the face from Background and then connect it's 4 o clock Lines and spots on your face to Possible predicted age neural networks Trained to 

understand patterns Find out the possibility of rain Or stock prices arise with a rise Precise composition of nerve music Networks can even learn patterns and Music is training itself enough to compose New tune so here's a question for You get any of the following phrases It is not true Activation functions are a threshold B error is calculated in each A layer of neural network sees both Forward and backpropagation occurs During the nerve training process Grid D most data processing

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