What’s The Difference Between Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning

What’s The Difference Between Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning

The difference between artificial intelligence and machine learning
What’s The Difference Between Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning 

The difference between artificial intelligence and machine learning

What is the difference between artificial intelligence and machine learning When I work with Klein, they often ask me what is the difference between artificial intelligence and machine learning, and it seems that a lot of people use these terms interchangeably and in fact, they are not quite the same artificial intelligence as the umbrella term and within it we have machine learning, which is a subset From AI AI, which is essentially the leading edge in AI, both of these concepts have become very old as they were developed in the 1950s? From that time and what we had was that we have the traditional artificial intelligence tools which basically means that we have expert systems where we had to tell computers exactly the rules of how to analyze data what data should be used

And what are the results that we should spit out so that we have expert systems that have worked well sometimes but we have this typical problem of computers saying no it just doesn't work I didn't know the answer to that for me is a great example of natural translation of language or language, so if we tried Designing a grammar-based artificial intelligence program for translation from English into Chinese, this does not work and we have seen that in the past when these things did not work well due to the presence of many exceptions on our human language, and to program all these exceptions in this algorithm it is almost impossible to return To five Intentions, then someone actually thought instead of telling the computer all the rules of why we don't give the computer a lot of data so that the computer can configure the rules by itself and this is what we refer to as machine learning where the device learns from the data and this is somewhat similar to the way we learn With it ourselves we have this basically mimics the brain that transcribes the process that we use as human beings to learn and that we are smart in our opinion,

We have a brain and this contains trillions of neurons and all of these neurons are connected to each other and when you cannot learn how to get something in pictures or how to speak a language and a child it takes a long time to do this and we learn a lot of experiences and errors until we learn the experience and how can I catch With this game for example, and when a lot of things don't work completely for the child, then a sudden thing is done in this matter, then your nerve cells make connections saying that sending these signals to these muscles works the same way when you pick up the language that your parents and teachers will correct and with the passage of time you will learn how to speak a language that you cannot really learn through the rules that you learn through experience. The challenge is to learn the language or take a game or ride a bicycle on a bicycle are things that we cannot really explain and are what we call our tacit knowledge That we can write on a piece of paper that I can write. This is how you manage a camera to give it to you and you can read this and then turn on the camera I can you can do it with this is how you swim this is how you can cycle this is how you speak English

Because this is something we learned through experience and this is exactly what machines are now able to offer them and learn from this data Initially we had tools that could recognize letters, and we are all handwritten characters differently, so it's very difficult to write Louisville, But we can give the machine a million or a billion copies of how someone writes O, A, and T or whatever, and then you'll say that the machine learning algorithm I know I'm building my system and determine how likely this is to be O on so this again is not New since the sixties in 1965 and I believe that the American Postal Service implemented the first scanner Handwriting scanner at his Detroit Post Office *

He is able to read someone's address on a handwritten letter and this helped them to improve the things that we have now is that we have machine learning capabilities why we have today and two things have changed we now have more data because we now live in a world of big data where we have a lot of sensors Everything is digital so we have huge amounts of data and we have the processing power so our chips are optimization, and we have things like cloud computing that allows each massive computing access device the ability to store massive amounts of data and analyze it, and this now makes machine learning possible, so instead of S For this is how to translate from English to Chinese You just need to give billions of words and text translated from Chinese to English and then the machines will write their algorithms to be able to do that, and this is the basic edge of artificial intelligence, they now enable machines to learn to walk to learn We have tools like natural language and voice recognition tools like Alexa that can capture our language whether we speak Scottish accent or an American accent

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